Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season One extended to February 12

Great news, CoD fans!

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Last December, Infinity Ward and Activision released Season One for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, an update that brought lots of new content to CoD players for free. While Season One was set to end on the first week of February, Infinity Ward announced that the update will be extended to February 11 as there will be more content added as part of the first season.

Regarding the extension, Infinity Ward stated:

“Over the next few weeks, a host of new items and challenges will arrive, including an in-game Challenge to earn the new Crossbow weapon, more remixed game modes, new playlists, and more in the Store to discover. To make room for all that activity, we are making a one-time extension of Season One – it’s now ending on February 11. During that time, there will be 2XP, 2X Weapon XP, and 2X Tier Progression to help you finish up your Officer Ranks and Tiers, and get you ready for an exciting Season Two.”

Alongside the upcoming content, the Modern Warfare Season One update included the following maps:

  • Crash (Multiplayer)
  • Shipment (Multiplayer)
  • Vacant (Multiplayer)
  • Atrium (2v2 Gunfight)
  • Cargo (2v2 Gunfight)
  • Shipment (2v2 Gunfight)
  • Port (Ground War)

Season One also introduced three new game modes:

  • Reinforce – Work as a team to capture zones and stay alive
  • Infected – Infect everyone, or survive the game to win
  • Gunfight O.S.P. – 2v2 rules, but players must gather weapons as the game progresses

Finally, the update introduced two base weapons — the HOLGER-26 automatic LMG and the RAM-7 bullpup assault rifle, as well the Battle Pass system.

For more info on the Season One extension, visit: the official Infinity Ward website.