Borderlands 3 releases on Steam tomorrow, March 13

Featuring PC crossplay and save-file transferring.

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Released back in September, Borderlands 3 was available on PC exclusively via the Epic Games Store. Now though, 2K is releasing Borderlands 3 on Steam, and it becomes available on the said platform tomorrow, March 13 (10:00PM GMT+8).

Interested in the game? Pre-orders are still available now, with buyers who pre-order being able to pre-load the game so they can jump in to the Borderlands once the game officially releases.

While Borderlands 3 was initially made available only on the Epic Games Store, Steam users will not be at a disadvantage as 2K Games confirmed that the game will have PC Crossplay powered by SHiFT matchmaking. This means Borderlands 3 players will be able to play with each other whether they purhcased the game on Steam or the Epic Games Store.

Aside from Crossplay, Borderlands 3’s Steam release will support save file transferring, meaning players with Borderlands 3 from the Epic Games Store will be able to transfer their save files onto the Steam version. The process is manual though, so players should make backup copies of their saves to be safe.

For more info on Borderlands 3’s Steam release, visit the game’s full FAQ here.

Want to know more about the game? Check our our full review of Borderlands 3 here:

Borderlands 3 Review | Looter shooter for the better