Unbuilt kits ASSEMBLE! Diving into the stash of backlogged scale model kits
NOW is a great time to get back into the hobby.

This new “normal” takes some getting used to, but it did make me realize two things. ONE: online shopping is your friend who kinda wants to rob you of your savings; and TWO: Being stuck at home means you have TIME to finish your backlog of chor… I mean backlog of Model Kits!
I haven’t built any scale modes for 2 or more years now, and because of that I thought it best to start with something easy, something that doesn’t require the usually assembling tools like cutting tools or plastic cement to glue parts together, it was time to build a ZOID!
Today I’m building the Catalga from the new Zoids Wild line of products. The reason why I got this particular kit is because it’s basically a bigger version of an old Zoid called the Molga, which is a silkworm/caterpillar type of Zoid
Inside the box, you get 4 big plastic bags (and one of those bags has two more plastic bags inside), the motor, a decal sheet, and the assembly manual.
The nice thing about this kit is that all the parts have been cut from the sprue so there is no need to use any cutting tools. However, I do have some gripes about how “cleanly” they cut the parts from the sprue.
Assembly is quite easy. Starting with the motor, you slowly build up the exoskeleton from the tail going to the head, and then back to the main body.
Now all that’s left are the eyes and its armored shell.
Btw a cool thing about this Zoid is that it has a drill for its mouth!
And that’s the Catalga… BUT wait there’s more! This Zoid comes with a pull cart to carry damaged or captured Zoids.
Now that’s its done, I’m thinking maybe I could paint this Zoid or even replace its motor with something with more torque, but that would be for another day.
Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this quick and fun build. It’s a really good kit despite some minor blemishes from where they cut the parts from the sprue. Now how do I maximize this Zoid’s potential hhhmmm…?