Horizon Zero Dawn Patch 1.06 is now live, and it brings several improvements

The patch brings gameplay improvements, graphical fixes, and more.

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Last August, Horizon Zero Dawn was released on PC. And while the game ran without a hitch on the PS4 when it was first released, the game’s PC port had some problems running on certain rigs. Thankfully, developer Guerilla Games has released several patches since the launch which have definitely improved the experience.

Now, Guerilla Games has released Patch 1.06 of Horizon Zero Dawn on PC. This new patch includes various graphic and crash fixes, as well as gameplay and other improvements.

Here are the full patch notes for Horizon Zero Dawn Patch 1.06:

Crash Fixes

  • Fixed a streaming compute shader crash
  • Fixed a crash on startup related to file paths with non-ANSI characters

Graphical Improvements

  • Fixed an issue where characters would noticeably warp between cuts during a specific cutscene in main quest “The Point of the Spear”
  • Fixed an issue where box graphics would flash during the final cinematic of the game
  • Fixed an issue in HDR where the UI could get overlapped by a black scene
  • Fixed an issue where turning on the Adaptive FPS option gave lower performance results than setting similar results manually

Gameplay Improvements

  • Aloy forward walking direction – Aloy now walks directly towards the direction the camera is facing when you press forward, rather than at a slight angle

Other Improvements

  • Executable details – Properties of the executable now also displays the current version

Thanks to the new patch, as well as the previous updates to the game, Horizon Zero Dawn should now be stable on most gaming PCs. In fact, users on reddit have noted that the game’s performance has been steady since Patch 1.03.

Thinking of getting Horizon Zero Dawn on PC? You can buy the game now via Steam or the Epic Games Store.