Square Enix reveals new details on the world and characters of Final Fantasy 16

The Final Fantasy 16 website is also live now!

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Following the game’s reveal back in September at the PlayStation 5 showcase, Square Enix has finally released more new info on Final Fantasy 16. The new info includes more details on the game’s world, as well as its main characters.

Firstly, Final Fantasy 16 is set in Valisthea, a land that has numerous mountains of crystals called Mothercrystals. These crystals bless the land with aether, enabling the denizens to thrive and live in comfort.

Because of their power though, countless wars have been fought over Mothercystals in the game’s world, leading to the rise of various nations. Each nation has its own ideology, and have now reached an uneasy peace which is starting to erode.

As for the people in the game, Final Fantasy 16 has three important characters, the first being Clive Rosfield. Clive is the game’s main protagonist, and he’s the firstborn son of the Archduke of Rosaria. Clive is also tasked with protecting his younger brother Joshua Rosfield, the “Dominant of the Phoenix.” A Dominant is someone who has the power of an Eikon within them–with Eikons being the “summons” of Final Fantasy 16. The third important character is Jill Warrick, a girl who was raised alongside the Rosfield brothers.

Finally, we have details on the Eikons. Dominants who can wield Eikons have the power to level nations, meaning they are used by some nations as weapons in war. Though some Dominants are revered in other nations.

For more info on Final Fantasy 16, check out this post on PlayStation Blog. You can also visi the official Final Fantasy 16 website which just went live.

Final Fantasy 16 will release as a PS5 console exclusive, though there’s no word yet on the game’s release date.