Lets get SUPER with Bandai’s Dragon Ball Goku Figure-rise

Powering up standard Goku to Godly levels!

MSI Find Your Perfect Match Promo 2025

A few months ago, I was able to assemble a couple of kits, incluing Zoids models and a Gundam Barbatos. Now, it’s time to assemble another figure, this time something close to every anime fan’s heart!

Recently Greattoysonline sent us something, and it’s none other than a Bandai’s Figure-rise Dragonball Z, Son Goku (standard Son Goku). So without further ado, le’ts get started!

What you get are 6 sprues/runners and a sticker paper..

The first thing I built was the energy blast/ball:

Now it’s chala HEAD chala!

Now for the Arms and Torso:

Then we formed the feet and legs:

And now we put them all together:

And that’s it, standard Son Goku from Bandai’s line of Figure-rise model kits. Its not your usual mecha kit that we are so used too from Bandai but wait we’re not done yet…

Time to power up this Goku with a some paint! I used Vallejo Acrylic Paint color Turquoise for the blue and Citadel’s Khorne Red and Evil Sunz Scarlet for the hair.

And there you have it Super Saiyan God Goku! You can also check out our Complete Beginner’s Guide to Miniature Painting here.

Here is a size comparison between Bandai’s MG Series Gundam (specifically Barbatos) and The Bandai Figure-rise Dragonball Model.

Definitely a curious and interesting kit to build. See you guys again in the next build-off here on Ungeek.ph!