PlayStation Wrap-Up 2020 lets you check your gaming stats for the past year

How many hours did you play last year?

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With 2020 forcing most of us to stay at home as much as possible, it’s no surprise that gaming has seen a massive increase. If you’re curious as to how much time you’ve been playing on your PS4 or PS5 (if you’re lucky), then now you can see the stats as Sony has announced released its PlayStation Wrap-Up report for 2020.

Similar to previous years, PlayStation Wrap-Up 2020 will give you lots of info on your time gaming on PS4 over the past year. Specifically, with Wrap-Up 2020, you’ll be able to see your total trophies earned (along with a detailed breakdown), total games played, total hours played, top three games played, and more. You can even see which time and day of the week you spend playing the most; for instance, most of my gaming time happened during afternoons on Sunday).

What’s more is that for PS5 owners, the Wrap-Up report also features a special PS5 portion. The stats include top PS5 game, top PS5 game hours, total PS5 gameplay time, and total PS5 trophies.

As a bonus, players who check out their Wrap-Up report will be able to claim a free PS4 theme.

Interested in knowing your PlayStation gaming stats for the past year? Check your report now at the PlayStation Wrap-Up 2020 page.