Rainbow Six Operation League MY/SG/PH/ID is back for Season 3

Ubisoft announced that Rainbow Six Operation League MY/SG/PH/ID is back again this year for Season 3, and it features a US$15,000 prize pool.

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Ubisoft has recently announced that the Rainbow Six Operation League MY/SG/PH/ID is back this year for its third season. For Season 3 of the tournament, the stake will be higher as it now has a USD 15,000 prize pool. Plus, the winner of this season will also secure a spot at the Operation League SEA Championship 2021.

Champions from Season 2, nolongerINSEN from Indonesia, along with the rest of the top four teams from last year’s season (which are Team Verv, Rolav, and Old Dogs) will be invited to directly into the Group Stages. There, they will face off against the region’s teams that secure a spot in the upcoming Qualifiers.

This season’s Qualifiers are scheduled from May through to June, with the top four qualifying teams getting to join last season’s top four teams in the Group Stages. After the Group Stage, the top four teams among the eight will advance to the Playoff stage.

Here are the registration and tournament dates for Rainbow Six Operation League Season 3:

  • Registration Period for all 4 countries: 2021/4/19 (Monday) – 2021/5/16 (Sunday)
  • Philippines Qualifiers #1: 2021/5/29
  • Philippines Qualifiers #2: 2021/5/30
  • Indonesia Qualifiers #1: 2021/6/5
  • Indonesia Qualifiers #2: 2021/6/6
  • Malaysia Qualifiers #1: 2021/6/12
  • Malaysia Qualifiers #2: 2021/6/13
  • Singapore Qualifiers #1: 2021/6/19
  • Singapore Qualifiers #2: 2021/6/20
  • Group Stages A: 2021/6/26 – 2021/6/27
  • Group Stages B: 2021/7/3 – 2021/7/4
  • Playoff: 2021/7/9 – 2021/7/11

Interested in joining the tournament? Register your team now at:  https://ubi.li/OLMYSGPHID_S3

For more tournament information, visit: facebook.com/RainbowSixOperationLeagueMYSGPHID