gamescom asia 2021 kicks off in October 2021 as a hybrid online event

gamescom asia will take place in Singapore from October 14 to 17 this year, and with a reimagined hybrid conference format.

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Following the event’s postponement last year, gamescom asia has just announced that its inaugural event is happening from October 14 to 17, 2021, and it will be a hybrid event, meaning there will be both an online for gamers in SEA to enjoy while safe at home, as well as a hybrid trade conference for industry professionals.

The event will feature the following:

  • A hybrid Trade Conference – Games 360 and Mobile Gaming Summit, that will give attendees from all over the world greater insights in and around Asia, with a line-up of over 100 industry experts.
  • A virtual Trade Zone for industry professionals to meet, learn, and network through corporate and product presentations, an exhibitor’s area, as well as business matchmaking.
  • A virtual Entertainment Zone for all fans, developers, and publishers with spectacular show segments featuring ‘gamescom asia STUDIO’ for the latest game drops, demos, indies, interviews, and more. This will kickstart with ‘gamescom asia PRIMETIME’, an extension of the STUDIO which includes premieres, trailers and will highlight what is to come on the weekend.

The hybrid Trade Conference will have live-stage and live-stream sessions, with in-person segments for games industry professionals based in Singapore. Meanwhile, the virtual Entertainment Zone will be held fully online, and will be streamed live on various platforms, complete with co-streaming options.

For more info on gamescom asia 2021, visit: