Overwatch Cross-play and Ashe’s Deadlock Challenge is now live

Following its announcement earlier this month, Overwatch cross-play is now live, along with the new Ashe's Deadlock Challenge.

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Following its announcement earlier this month, Overwatch cross-play is now live. In case you missed the news, this means players on PC and console players can now play Overwatch with each other. Of course, there are exceptions such as PC players not being able to play competitive matches against console players.

Overwatch cross-play will be enabled for PC players automatically. Meanwhile, console players need to connect their Battle.net account to enable the feature.

Here’s a quick rundown of the what to expect in cross-play:

  • Group up with friends on any platform for Quick Play, Arcade, and Custom games
  • Console players can join the same Competitive lobbies across PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch
  • PC players will only be matched with other PC players in ranked matches.

Aside from cross-play, Blizzard has also released Ashe’s Deadlock Challenge. As with previous mini-events, completing the challenges will yield rewards, including a Legendary Ashe and B.O.B. skin. Watching Overwatch on streams will also yield rewars.

Here are all the rewards and how to unlock them:

  • Play games to earn cosmetics:
    • Play 9 games | Player Icon
    • Play 18 games | Spray
    • Play 27 games | Legendary Ashe and B.O.B Skin
  • Winning a game counts as playing 2 games
  • Watch Overwatch on Twitch to earn more cosmetics:
    • Watch 2 hours | 1 Spray
    • Watch 4 hours | 2 Sprays
    • Watch 6 hours | 3 Sprays

Ashe’s Deadlock Challenge is live now until July 5, 2021.

For more info on Cross-play, visit the official Overwatch website.