First look at Metal Slug Tactics gameplay
At the Nintendo Indie World 2021 showcase, a new trailer for Metal Slug Tactics was revealed, and it featured our first look at gameplay.

Following the game’s reveal back in June, a new trailer for Metal Slug Tactics was revealed at the Nintendo Indie World 2021 showcase, and it featured our first look at gameplay!
Check out the Metal Slug Tactics gameplay reveal trailer here:
While it was a short trailer, it finally gave us a glimpse at how a Metal Slug tactical RPG would look and play. The gameplay might be markedly different from the usual Metal Slug game, but from the trailer, it seems that the series’ signature look and feel has been retained.
The game is described by Dotemu as:
“Developed by Leikir Studio, Metal Slug Tactics, a grid-based tactical adaptation of the iconic run-and-gun METAL SLUG series, is bringing the fight to Nintendo Switch during Nintendo’s Indie World Showcase presentation. News of Metal Slug Tactics’ Switch deployment follows the game’s previously confirmed arrival on PC via Steam, with both tours beginning in 2022.
Paired with gorgeous pixel art and fluid animation which faithfully channels the series’ timeless aesthetic, this new footage of frontline powerhouses Marco, Eri, Fio, and Tarma rolling out to battle from a headquarters packed with nods to the long-running series’ history. The team returns with their signature arsenal – including the reliable heavy machine gun and devastating SVX-15D Slugnoid mech – as they face down fresh tactical fights.”
Metal Slug Tactics will release on Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam sometime in 2022.