Kojima Productions opens new Movie, TV, and Music division
Kojima Productions has recently announced that it is opening a new division that will explore movie, TV, and music opportunities.
Kojima Productions has recently announced that it is opening a new division that will explore movie, TV, and music opportunities.
The news was announced via a report by gamesindustry.biz. In the report, it was revealed that the new Kojima Production division is based in Los Angeles, California, and it will be led by Riley Russell. Russell formerly served in various roles in PlayStation, and has worked for the company for nearly 28 years.
While there’s no word yet on what the upcoming projects of this new Kojima Productions division, Russell said that “the new division will be tasked with working with creative and talented professionals in television, music and film, as well as the more familiar games industry.”
#KojimaProductions are proud to announce that a new business division will be opening in California, USA.
This will explore opportunities beyond game development into film, television and other forms of entertainment.
Read more: https://t.co/fWUGl1OwPw pic.twitter.com/8dcl7STIQL— KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS (Eng) (@KojiPro2015_EN) November 22, 2021
Kojima Productions expanding into movies, music, and TV shouldn’t come as that big of a surprise, especially for fans of Hideo Kojima. After all, Kojima is a big fan of movies, shows, and music. In fact, just look at his Twitter and Instagram pages, you’ll see the latest movies and music that Kojima has gotten into. On top of this Kojima has written several movie reviews for Rolling Stone.
A game development company expanding into movies isn’t new, after all, PlayStation has also set up PlayStation Productions back in 2019, and this division handles the upcoming movies and series based on Sony Interactive Entertainment properties.