15 Days of Epic Games | Second Extinction
Today, the free title on the Epic Games Store is Second Extinction, a first person shooter featuring dinosaus.

Boys and girls, it’s Day 6 of the 15 days of free games on the Epic Games Store. While I run the risk of sounding like a broken record, you have until midnight to get your free game. I promise, I won’t mention this. Much.
When we say “early access” we don’t mean 65 million years ago. Yet, here we are. Since you’ve been busy adulting, it’s time to relive your childhood with Second Extinction–complete with sweet FPS action and your favorite dinosaurs. Heavily mutated dinosaurs, to be exact.
Second Extinction gives you just one important, and ridiculously gory task: reclaim the planet and end a new, yet familiar dino-related crisis by any means necessary. You’ll be well-equipped, well-informed, and well, everything else is up to how you make the most out of the first two.
Check out some shooty-shooty Dino action here:
You can either go solo or wreck shop as a party of three. The playable characters are divided into different classes with their own unique loadouts. The game is also packed with several locations with respective threat levels and a nice weather system that adds to the overall atmosphere–and possible tension. We all love some nice tension, right?
Save the world. Nuke a T-Rex or two. Admire the ongoing apocalyptic scenery. Plan that itinerary, my dudes.
Second Extinction is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and for free today on Microsoft Windows via the Epic Games Store.