Elden Ring Guide: How to Upgrade Flasks
Your healing flasks are some of the most important items in Elden Ring, so here is a quick guide on how to upgrade them,

Your healing flasks are some of the most important items in Elden Ring, so here is a quick guide on how to upgrade them!
The healing system in Elden Ring is similar to Dark Souls 3 in that there is an HP flask (Flask of Crimson Tears) and an FP flask (Flask of Cerulean Tears). You can allocate how many charges the Crimson and Cerulean Tears have, but at the start of the game, you only start with 4. So, you can opt to have the HP and FP flask get two charges each, or you may prefer to put all four charges on the Crimson flask for healing.
Upgrade Flask Charges
Given how tough enemies in the game are, you will need to add more charges to your flasks. To upgrade your flasks charges in Elden Ring, you need to find Golden Seeds. These items can be used when resting in a Site of Grace to add a charge to your flasks.
Take note though, the more charges you add, the more Golden Seeds are required to upgrade.
Most Golden Seeds can be found in illusory trees (pictured above) that are spread out through the open world, as well as in some legacy dungeons. These trees are not marked on the map, so make sure you explore the open world to find them.
There are also some bosses that drop Golden Seeds, though these can be found much later in the game.
Upgrade Flask Healing
As you get more HP and FP, you will need a more powerful flask. To upgrade the HP/FP healing ability of your flasks, you’ll need Sacred Tears.
These Sacred Tears can be found in Churches that are located throughout the Lands Between. Unlike illusory trees, Churches can be seen in the map. Even though they aren’t explicitly marked, this makes finding them a bit easier.