Valorant Episode 4 Act 2 brings new Battlepass and the Gaia’s Vengeance Skin line
Riot Games has announced Valorant Episode 4 Act 2, and it features a new Battlepass and the new Gaia's Vengeance skin line.

Following the release of Neon in Act 1 last January, Riot Games has announced Valorant Episode 4 Act 2, and it features a new Battlepass and a new skin line.
The key features of the new Valorant Battlepass are as follows:
- Price: 1,000 VP
- Free Highlights:
- Striker Classic
- Tactibear’s Balalaika Spray
- Crying Mance Spray
- All-purpose Slipper Gun Buddy
- #SAVEWIDEJOY Player Card
- Paid Highlights:
- Striker Operator
- Striker Knife
- Lycan’s Bane Vandal
- Divine Swine Judge
- Home Again // Jett Player Card
- Lycan’s Bane Player Card
- Bruno’s Happy Dance Spray
- Mi Goreng Gun Buddy
Meanwhile, the new skin line is called Gaia’s Vengeance, and it features an enchanted/mystical theme.
Details of the Gaia’s Vengeance bundle and effects are:
Price: 7,100 VP
- Gaia’s Wrath (melee)
- Gaia’s Vengeance Vandal
- Gaia’s Vengeance Ghost
- Gaia’s Vengeance Marshal
- Gaia’s Vengeance Guardian
- Gaia’s Vengeance Card
- Gaia’s Vengeance Gun Buddy
- Gaia’s Vengeance Spray
- Guns
- Level 1: Custom gun model with shimmering red crystal, custom bullets, and custom ADS reticle.
- Level 2: Custom firing VFX and firing audio.
- Level 3: Custom VFX and audio during reload, equip, and inspect.
- Level 4: Kill Banner and Finisher.
- Variant 1: Blue Variant with Finisher that matches the Variant color.
- Variant 2: Green Variant with Finisher that matches the Variant color.
- Variant 3: Orange Variant with Finisher that matches the Variant color.
- Melee
- Level 1: Custom model with shimmering red crystal.
- Level 2: Custom VFX and audio on equip, attack swipes and inspect
- Variant 1: Blue Variant
- Variant 2 : Green Variant
- Variant 3 : Orange Variant
Valorant Episode 4 Act 2 and the new Battlepass plus the Gaia’s Vengeance Skin line are releasing today, March 1.