Fortnite, Overwatch, Genshin Impact top Pornhub’s most searched video games in 2022
On the Pornhub 2022 year in review, Fortnite, Overwatch, and Genshin Impact are the top searched video games of the year.

On the Pornhub 2022 year in review, Fortnite, Overwatch, and Genshin Impact are the top searched video games of the year.
Based on the data, these three games are far and away the most-searched games, with the next games on the list having around less than half of the search volume each compared to Genshin Impact.
Though what’s also interesting is that 2022 saw big spikes in interest on games such as Cyberpunk, Summertime Saga, and Valorant. For some reason, there’s also a spike in searches for Cuphead, though don’t ask us why.
Aside from the top games, Pornhub also compiled the most searched video game characters of 2022. Unsurprisingly, D.Va is far and away the most searched as she leads other characters by a huge margin. This is no surprise, especially as interest in her skyrocketed following the release of Overwatch 2.
What’s surprising is that the second character on the list is Minecraft Jenny Mod; definitely something that we did not expect.
Though aside from this surprise pick, the other top searched characters come from Overwatch, Genshin Impact, and Fortnite. With the lone exception being Lady Dimitrescu of Resident Evil Village (for obvious reasons).
While not game related, Pornhub also compiled the most searched movies and characters. Again, it’s no surprise to see Harley Quinn top the list. Though it’s interesting to see that there’s a significant interest in Sonic content. But again, if you’ve spent enough time on the internet, you probably already know why.
Want to know more “interesting” data? Check out Pornhub’s full 2022 year in review. But make sure no one’s looking behind you while you’re reading it as the data is quite NSFW.