Overwatch 2 offers a Bastion Gingerbread legendary tier skin in the shop for only 1 coin

This is the cheapest Overwatch 2 skin to date!

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As the holiday festivities continue with Overwatch 2’s Winter Wonderland event, if you check out the in-game shop you might be surprised to see a certain skin that at first glance you’ll probably think off as glitched. But thankfully the good folks over at Blizzard are offering the Gingerbread Bastion, a legendary-tier skin, for the price of 1 Overwatch credit!


Yes, you read that right. When you log in to the game now you can easily snag this skin the game’s shop for virtually free (pictured top-left). While this might seem awesome, the only nitpick I have is that once you do spend that 1 credit, you will end up with an uneven number of coins left should you purchase another item in the shop. Hopefully we won’t see the end of these penny-priced aesthetics and give us more in future seasons… But that’s me and my wishful holiday thinking.

Bastion’s holiday-themed skin is available for purchase until Jan. 3, 2023, the same time as the game’s Winter Wonderland’s event ends. While you’re at it, make sure to also complete the Winter Wonderland Challenges to unlock a free Ice Queen epic skin for the support hero Brigitte. As a Brigitte main, the skin ain’t half-bad.

Overwatch 2 is available to play now and for free on multiple platforms and supports cross-progression.

Related Links:

Overwatch 2’s Winter Wonderland event is now live, get the free epic skin for Brigitte