God of War Ragnarok reaches a milestone of more than 11 million copies sold

That's a lot of BOY!

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Publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment and developer Santa Monica Studio recently announced a milestone of sale for God of War Ragnarok that was reported to have surpassed more than 11 million units worldwide!

Check out the tweet below, complete with a heart emote from Kratos himself!

God of War Ragnarok was said to have sold 5.1 million units during the first week of its launch. If the math is correct, during the 11 week period since the game was released, the game has sold a godly 5.9 million copies!

That’s a lot of BOY!

God of War Ragnarok is currently available for both the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 right now. The original God of War (2018) on the other hand is also available on PC via Steam.

While you’re here, check out what’s been happening with God of War lately. You might have missed the recent #LiveFromPS5 event in London, where they dropped a massive Leviathan Axe right at the heart of the city!


Sony drops a massive Leviathan Axe right in Central London