Original Naruto anime will air four “brand-new” episodes to celebrate the show’s 20th anniversary

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The official website for the Naruto anime franchise just revealed that the Naruto television anime will air four “brand-new” episodes starting in September! This is to celebrate its 20th anniversary of the beloved anime series.

Check out the new visuals below. This is coming from the Naruto to Boruto Twitter page:

The Naruto franchise has a very extensive history behind its name which spans anime spinoffs and films, as well as an vast library of video games under its belt. Originally, the anime aired from 2002 to 2007, which was followed by its sequel – Naruto Shippūden which ran from 2007 to 2017.

No news yet on a plot or focus in story, so it might be based on the manga or something more original entirely. What do you guys think?