Bandai Namco will host a closed network test for Tekken 8 this July

Bandai Namco will host a closed network test for Tekken 8 running this July for consoles and PC. Registration is available now.

Bandai Namco will host a closed network test for Tekken 8 running from July 21 to 24 on PlayStation 5, and then again from July 28 to 31 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC via Steam.

Registration is available now via their official website.

Check out the latest announcement trailer regarding the CNT.


About the closed network test:

The purpose of the closed network test is to test the network and monitor the gameplay experience of Tekken 8.

We aim to obtain feedback on the quality of the network and gameplay. We would greatly appreciate it if all participants could provide feedback through an online survey that we plan to send out via email after the closed network test. Your valuable opinions will be used as a reference for adjustments to the battle system.

Available modes

  • Ranked Matches (Up to 10 rank)
    • Support Cross-platform Matchmaking

Gameplay Changes

  • “Heat Energy” has been removed.
  • The upper limit (heat activation time) of “Heat Timer” will change depending on how the heat is activated.
  • The “Heat Smash” command has been standardized for all playable characters.

Playable Characters

  • Asuka
  • Bryan
  • Claudio
  • Hwoarang
  • Jack-8
  • Jin
  • Jun
  • Kazuya
  • King
  • Lars
  • Law
  • Leroy
  • Lili
  • Nina
  • Paul
  • Xiaoyu


  • Arena
  • Rebel Hangar
  • Sanctum
  • Urban Square (Evening)
  • Yakushima

Tekken 8 will be available for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC (Steam). A release date is yet to be confirmed.