Like a Dragon Gaiden: RGG Studio shares new interview with First Summer Uika

First Summer Uika stars as Akame in Like a Dragon Gaiden.

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After the first two cast interviews, RGG Studio shared another interview, this time with First Summer Uika who plays Akame in Like a Dragon Gaiden.

Unlike the previous two interviews of cast members who played Omi Alliance affiliates, the character that First Summer Uika plays in LIke a Dragon Gaiden is not a member of Sotenbori’s major Yakuza group. Instead, she plays Akame who seems to be more of an ally to Kiryu than someone that he must face off.

In the interview, Uika recounted the story of how she accidentally entered the live hostess audition without knowing that she had already been offered a role in the game. Plus, she talked about her love for the Like a Dragon series.

Check out the interview here:

In Gaiden, Uika plays Akame, a who is described as a “shadowy figure who knows the ins and outs of Sotenbori” as well as “Sotenbori’s Jack-Of-All-Trades.”

Given this description, its’ likely that Akame will not exactly be an enemy. Given Kiryu’s new role as an agent in Gaiden, it’s likely that Akame will help him with the right info he needs for his mission. Of course, we’ll have to wait for Like a Dragon Gaiden to release before we find out exactly what Akame’s role will be.


Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name will be released on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC. on November 9, 2023.