Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy details quality of life improvements
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy will finally launch next week!

With the game’s launch just a week away, Capcom revealed new details about Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy, including its quality of life improvements and special content.
In case you missed it, Apollo Justice is a collection of 3 games which include Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice. These games come in remastered versions with a wide array of enhancements.
The highlight enhancements are the various quality of life changes that should make these DS and 3DS-era games more enjoyable to play on modern consoles and PC. These include:
- Games Menu: Choose the game, episode, and even chapter you’d like to start from the first time you play. Experience the story from the very beginning or jump to your favorite scenes!
- Story Mode: The game will make selections and solve puzzles automatically for you. This is the perfect mode for people who want to simply sit back and watch a good mystery unfold.
- History: Backlog system that allows you to review text you’ve already read. Re-read lines you accidentally skipped with ease!
- 7 Languages: Japanese, English, French, German, Korean, and Traditional and Simplified Chinese. Also included are new voice dubs in each language. Mix and match the game text and voice languages to your liking!
Along with the QOL enhancements, Capcom also shared the following special contents that will be part of the trilogy.
- Orchestra Hall: The soundtracks of all three games plus 14 select tracks from the Ace Attorney 15th Anniversary Orchestra Concert and the Ace Attorney 2019 Orchestra Concert make for a total of 175 tracks.
- Art Library: A library is chock full of character designs, background art, and even the special prologue anime for Spirit of Justice. Original art commissioned for this collection can also be found here!
- Animation Studio: Freely create the scene of your dreams with character models and animations, background music, and voiced lines from the games. Place characters in situations unthinkable in the main games!
- Special Episodes and Costumes: Special Episodes and costumes that were only available as pre-order specials or paid content are included in this collection. Play with special costumes on for even wackier trials. Enjoy the 2 Special Episodes from Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice, “Turnabout Reclaimed” and “Turnabout Time Traveler”. An unusual client and some familiar faces make these must-play episodes for any Ace Attorney fan!
Capcom also released a selection of Ace Attorney anime episodes from seasons 1 and 2 on YouTube for free to celebrate the trilogy’s release.
Finally, the Ace Attorney 20th Anniversary Orchestra Concert is also streaming on YouTube for a limited time (until February 29, 2024). You can watch it here:
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy will be released on January 25, 2024, on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
Want to know more about the game? Check out our interview with the game’s producer here:
Ace Attorney Trilogy Producer Kenichi Hashimoto on bringing back Apollo Justice