Ace Attorney Investigations Collection is coming this September
The two Ace Attorney Investigations games are finally getting proper English releases.

During the recent Nintendo Direct, Capcom unveiled the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection is coming to consoles and PC this September.
In case you’re a newer fan of the series, Ace Attorney Investigations is a spinoff series in Ace Attorney, and it lets players take on the role of Miles Edgeworth, the prosecutor who serves as a rival of sorts of Phoenix Wright.
There are two games in the series, both of which were released on the Nintendo DS. While the first game got an official English release, the second has continued to be available in Japanese only — until now that is.
Finally, the Investigations Collection compiles the two DS games into one package, and it will be available on a variety of platforms. While it was revealed at Nintendo Direct, it won’t be a Switch exclusive as it will also be released for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam.
While the gameplay in Investigations should be familiar to those who have played other games in the series before, it features unique puzzle-solving experiences as Miles Edgeworth must also go on crime scene investigations.
This isn’t just a 1:1 re-release though as the collection comes with a range of improvements. These include upgraded chibi character sprites, a new gallery feature, and a wide array of quality-of-life enhancements (including an option to solve puzzles automatically for those who simply want to experience the story).
The Ace Attorney Investigations Collection will be released on PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC on September 6, 2024.
Players who purchase the collection early will get 5 arranged in-game tracks for Investigations 2, including:
- [AAI Collection] Confrontation – Allegro 2011
- [AAI Collection] Confrontation – Presto 2011
- [AAI Collection] Miles Edgeworth – Objection! 2011
- [AAI Collection] Pursuit – Uncover the Truth
- [AAI Collection] Pursuit – Uncover the Truth (No Intro)
For more info, visit the official website.