Monster Hunter Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto is coming to gamescom asia 2023 for a Special Stage EventNicolo Manaloto - October 10, 2023
Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon releases for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series next yearBrian Papa - October 8, 2023
FRONT MISSION 1st: Remake limited edition releases for the PS5 and Xbox December 5Brian Papa - October 8, 2023
Silent Hill: Ascension, an interactive streaming game launches this HalloweenBrian Papa - October 8, 2023
Battlefield 2042 Season 6 Dark Creations First Impressions | Modern throwback to the series’ bestRenzo Guevara - October 6, 2023
Sonic Frontiers Expansion Soundtrack Paths Revisited is now availableNicolo Manaloto - October 6, 2023