Have the Stars Aligned? Nintendo Teases Pokemon Core RPG! | E3 2017 Nintendo Showcase HighlightCosplayer Ki-Chan - June 14, 2017
Get Your Turf War On! Nintendo Presents Splatoon 2 for Switch! | E3 Nintendo Showcase HighlightCosplayer Ki-Chan - June 14, 2017
Welcome Back to the Hunt! Monster Hunter: World comes to the PS4 | E3 2017 PlayStation Showcase HighlightCosplayer Ki-Chan - June 13, 2017
XCOM 2: War of the Chosen Expansion Announced! | E3 2017 PC Gaming Show HighlightsRob Yatco - June 13, 2017
Bethesda announces Upcoming Sequels and Spin-Offs of their Successful Franchises! | E3 2017 HighlightsRob Yatco - June 12, 2017
XBox shows off their Title Line-up and Promises an Enhanced Gaming Experience! | E3 2017 HighlightsRob Yatco - June 12, 2017
Wanna catch E3 LIVE? Here are the schedules of each Major E3 Press Conference!Cosplayer Ki-Chan - June 11, 2017