Take a Look Inside the FUN-tastic Awesomeness of the Animax Carnival 2016!Michelle Santos - October 28, 2016
John Hanke, Creator of Pokémon GO, is attending the “Pokémon Fest: The 1st Philippine Pokémon Festival”???Michelle Santos - October 27, 2016
This Video of Cute Final Fantasy Characters Dancing will make you Squeal with Delight! | World of Final FantasyRob Yatco - October 27, 2016
New York Comic Con 2016 – Experiencing East Coast’s Largest Fan Convention!Cosplayer Ki-Chan - October 22, 2016
The Zoids Mystery is Revealed! ‘ZOIDS Field of Rebellion’ could be the next Mobile Game Craze!Francis N - October 20, 2016
Behold! First Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Poster and Teaser Revealed!Brian Papa - October 20, 2016
Get a Sneak Peak and Play “Resident Evil 7: Bioharzard” @ ESGS 2016 (Oct 28 to 30)Michelle Santos - October 19, 2016