Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Zack Snyder tweets teaser video for first trailerTim Villasor - April 16, 2015
Spider-Man WILL BE a High School era Peter Parker in the Marvel Cinematic Universe; No “Origin Story” revisitedTim Villasor - April 13, 2015
Sir Ian McKellen has been cast as Cogsworth for Disney’s live action “Beauty and the Beast” filmTim Villasor - April 11, 2015
Suicide Squad: Jared Leto teased as The Joker ala “Batman: The Killing Joke” by David AyersTim Villasor - April 10, 2015
Suicide Squad: First Official Cast Photo unveiled; More casting rumors arriveTim Villasor - April 9, 2015
Avengers: Age of Ultron won’t have a post-credits scene; Russo Brothers directing Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 & 2Tim Villasor - April 8, 2015