Marvel unleashes “Captain America: Civil War” and “Coca-Cola Hulk vs Ant-Man” Super Bowl TV SpotsTim Villasor - February 8, 2016
WATCH: “Randy Orton vs Batman vs Superman: Dawn of the RKO” is the video wrestling fans deserveTim Villasor - February 3, 2016
Deadpool co-star T.J. Miller says raunchier “Director’s Cut” coming later this yearTim Villasor - February 2, 2016
“Justice League vs Teen Titans” trailer sees the young heroes taking on their mentorsTim Villasor - January 28, 2016
Batman v Superman: New Empire Magazine coverage details include Wonder Woman and DarkseidTim Villasor - January 26, 2016
Batman v Superman: “Who Will Win” poster and choose a side campaign unleashedTim Villasor - January 25, 2016